PCPPI assures public of unhampered operations amid return to MECQ


Remaining resilient amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI)—the exclusive manufacturer of PepsiCo beverages in the country—is assuring the public of unhampered operations despite challenges brought about by the sudden return to Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine in some parts of Luzon.

Since the company is engaged in the business of manufactu¬ring and distribution of basic commodities, PCPPI is tasked to continuously operate its manufacturing plants for products such as water, juices, hydration drinks, and other carbonated beverages.

“We are seeing one of the longest community quarantines in the world. Our company is continuously functioning in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) environment and we are always anticipating regulatory and socio-economic changes to be able to minimize the impact of risks and decide quickly if and when necessary,” PCPPI president and CEO Frederick D. Ong.

In sustaining its operations amid uncertain times, PCPPI established an Emergency Response Center and created an Emergency Response Team to serve as the company’s first line of defense should there be a disaster or crisis situation. The company also reinforced its Emergency Response Procedure to institutionalize the steps to be undertaken to mitigate the adverse effects of natural occurrences that companies and humans have no control over, such as the coronavirus.

“This Emergency Response plan is that which allows us to continue moving forward. As we are starting to recover, we rely heavily on our response mechanism to address the pandemic and normalize the business. We are ready to effectively tackle the challenges posed by the current socio-economic environment” explained Ong.

“PCPPI is now operating via new ways of working with systems we never thought possible before. We are adjusting quickly to the changing needs of our people, customers, and other stakeholders while managing financial and operatio¬nal difficulties,” Ong said.

As early as January, even before community quarantines were enforced in different areas in the country, PCPPI already ordered thermal scanners, face masks, and alcohols for its employees’ supplies. In February, the company has also installed foot baths in its offices nationwide. In the midst of the lockdowns, PCPPI plants organized donations to various health facilities, hospitals, checkpoints, and LGUs across the country. Part of the company’s disaster response also focuses on the needs of the

“PCPPI’s resiliency and recovery plan also involves sustaining the livelihood of families and communities we are at in times of emergencies and disasters. Among the programs we initiated is providing full support to our Entrepreneurial Distribution System (EDS) Operators and wholesaler partners to ensure that our products reach the small and medium-size enterprises and sari-sari stores even during community quarantine. We also implemented phone selling or “telsells” to create additional avenues to reach our distributors and consumers who cannot go out of their homes,” said Ong.

“Now that we’re living in uncertain times, and as the rest of the world begins to shift to the new normal, having a strong, efficient, and holistic disaster preparedness, management, and recovery plan becomes all the more relevant. We remain committed in helping build a more resilient country through our products and best practices,” said Ong.