Make It Black? Exploring Coffee More? You Might Want To Ask BLACKDAISY plus TITA MIKE’S Loaf


How would you like your coffee?  Black? With Sugar? With Cream? Latte? Americano? With a shot of espresso? Macchiato?

All these and more in Blackdaisy. In Blackdaisy, you get a taste of everything a coffee is made to be.

First in their menu that I tasted was Caramel Macchiatto with a shot of espresso.  By the way, all their coffee are typically served with two shots of espresso.  You may always choose as to how many shots or request to have extra shots.  Blackdaisy’s Macchiato was good.  I honestly was surprised with the taste and aroma considering it’s price.

Being the “self acclaimed food critic” that I am and at the same time coffee lover, I tried to explore their other coffee specially when they posted their Death by Chocolate drink.  It’s not actually a part of the menu because obviously, with the way it is prepared and presented, candy sprinkles are colors of Christmas. Since this is a chocolate drink, honestly, it took me four days to finish the said drink.  It was too sweet for me and don’t worry, I told Blackdaisy about my preference on sugar.

Intrigued with the Popcorn Latte, again, I ordered.  And Blackdaisy did not fail me again.  It’s just that, I was tempted not to put all the popcorn on top of the coffee.

This next drink is actually becoming my favorite now.  It’s called Lavender Vanilla Latte.  Those bits and pieces on top of the drink are the real thing Lavender.  Yup! You get to taste the lavender and chew it.  What’s actually good with this coffee is the indulgent balance between the floral notes of lavender and espresso.  You also have a choice as to the sweetness since the muscovado sugar is on a separate container.  Believe me, Lavender Vanilla Latte is really good that when I ordered again, I tried pairing it with Tita Mike’s Kitchen’s Calamansi Loaf.  It was such a good pair.  I cannot wait for Tita Mike’s Banana Loaf and Sagada Orange Loaf paired with Blackdaisy’s Lavender Vanilla Latte.

Great ideas start with coffee.  Your good coffee may be served by Blackdaisy.

Blackdaisy is located at Sta. Rita Street, Sto. Rosario Village, Malabon City.  Yes, you read that right! They are serving these good coffee and chocolate drinks inside the Village.  Talk to them if you want yours to be delivered.  Message Blackdaisy through their FB page

So, if you happen to be in Malabon and has that urge for a good coffee, pm Blackdaisy.

And, to get a taste of Tita Mike’s Calamansi Loaf, Banana Loaf and Sagada Orange Loaf, please go to Tita Mike’s Kitchen’s FB page

With Tita Mike’s Kitchen, aside from satisfying your cravings and your tummy, you also get to donate something to the community because a part of the sales is being brought back to the community.  Isn’t that a wonderful blessing? It really is.

Coffee and pastries really is a good combination.  Agree?